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Hydrogen pipelines in the Ruhr area show how hydrogen flows through the pipes in practice.
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The stuff of the future

Hydrogen is the smallest and lightest chemical element - but with a view to the energy transition, the colorless gas plays an important role. In the coming years, the aim will be to drive the market ramp-up of green hydrogen from production to use. The Metropole Ruhr is optimally positioned for this task.


Green economic engine

A climate-neutral economy is hardly conceivable without hydrogen. No wonder that demand, which has more than tripled worldwide since 1975, continues to rise. As a leading industrial location, Germany's economic future is particularly dependent on the availability of sustainable energies - the Ruhr region offers the best conditions and experience for the necessary transformation.

In order to bring together and support the diverse players, networks and projects in the region, the Regionalverband Ruhr and Business Metropole Ruhr founded the Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr - HyMR for short - as a regional project office for the Ruhr region. Together, research institutions, companies and start-ups are to use the historically grown infrastructure as well as the enormous experience in transporting energy to drive the market ramp-up.

This speaks for the Metropole Ruhr

As an energy region, the Metropole Ruhr holds high CO₂ savings potential and high employment potential - this is jointly emphasized by Ruhr corporations and the Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr.

  • According to a study by the Institute of the German Economy (IW), the decisive development of a hydrogen economy in the Ruhr region can save up to 25.5 million tons of CO2 per year by 2050.
  • Experts from the company EE Energy Engineers expect 40,000 new and high-quality jobs in the hydrogen economy in the Metropole Ruhr.

Study shows strategy for hydrogen ramp-up

240 km existing H2-pipeline
14specialized research institutions
100Companies in the regional hydrogen economy
25 % of CO2 emissions in NRW can be saved with H2

The Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr

On the way to becoming a climate-neutral and greenest energy region

The project office "Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr" – HyMR for short – was founded at the end of 2021 by resolution of the assembly of the Ruhr Regional Association (Regionalverband Ruhr) and makes the region's diverse hydrogen activities visible. It offers coordinating support for the realization of the market ramp-up of the hydrogen economy.

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The network for hydrogen in the Ruhr region

The Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr is an initiative of the Regionalverband Ruhr and the Business Metropole Ruhr to coordinate hydrogen activities in the Metropole Ruhr. Contact our contact person directly here or learn more about the network.



Jörn KleinelümernHead of
Hydrogen Metropole Ruhr (HyMR)
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Image credit: Sebastian Wolf for HyMR, RVR