From the economy for the economy
The honorary members work closely with our management in a strategic working group. The Board of Trustees contributes its know-how and networks as a source of ideas and impetus for projects for the business location. True to the motto: From the economy for the economy in the Ruhr region.
The patron of the Board of Trustees is Thomas Eiskirch, Mayor of the City of Bochum and Chairman of our Supervisory Board. The Board of Trustees coordinates synergies closely with the Initiativkreis Ruhr and other alliances in the Ruhr region.
“When companies and business development organizations work closely together, the entire region can benefit. The BMR Board of Trustees is an important alliance for tackling the joint task of location development in the Ruhr region on a project-by-project basis. I'm happy to support that.”
Thomas EiskirchMayor of the City of Bochum and Chairman of the Board of Trustees"Awakening interest in the Ruhr region is an important task of BMR. The Board of Trustees wants to help with this with its competencies."
Tobias NadjibManaging Director Volkswagen Infotainment GmbH, Chairman of the Board of TrusteesOur members - and why they support the Board of Trustees
"From the perspective of the real estate industry, the Ruhr metropolitan region has great economic potential that is far from being exhausted. To promote its development in an advisory capacity, JLL can contribute its experience from successful regions worldwide."
Marcel Abel Managing Director, JLL SE"One result of the RAG Foundation Future Study states that in the future it will be important to respond in a networked and dynamic way to the increasingly fast-paced global economy. This is where the Business Metropole Ruhr comes in. I am pleased to be able to contribute to this through my work on the Board of Trustees."
Bärbel Bergerhoff-Wodopia Member of the Board, RAG Foundation"The Ruhr Metropolis has seized its opportunity and developed into a modern, sustainable energy metropolis. I would like to continue to drive this process forward on the BMR Board of Trustees."
Bernd Böddeling Senior Vice President Energy Networks Germany, E.ON SE"The Ruhr region is an attractive location for industrial companies - we at thyssenkrupp Steel in Duisburg, Dortmund, Bochum, Gelsenkirchen and Hohenlimburg also benefit from the excellent infrastructure, strong networks and committed partners. The current transformation processes are both a challenge and an opportunity for the region, which can develop into a major hub in the hydrogen economy, for example. We, too, are investing massively in the transformation and the future requirements of the market. With my participation in the Board of Trustees, I would like to contribute to bringing the Ruhr Metropolis even further forward in these topics."
Dr. Heike Denecke-Arnold Member of the Board / Chief Operating Officer(COO), thyssenkrupp Steel Europe AG"Cohesion, openness, diversity - these are core values that have defined the people in this region for decades. Values that are worth continuing to build on in order to further strengthen the business location. On this basis, I look forward to supporting the Business Metropole Ruhr and helping to shape the region's future."
Arnd Fittkau Member of the Board, Vonovia"Digitization - the top topic of our time. The Ruhr Metropolis has the potential to take a leading position here. I am therefore involved in the BMR Board of Trustees in order to actively shape the digital economy as well as digitization in healthcare."
Jörg Holstein Managing Director, MEERKAT Holding GmbH"From the Ruhr for the Ruhr. FUNKE Mediengruppe accompanies the transformation of the Ruhr Metropolis directly on site. This development provides exciting stories. On the BMR Board of Trustees, I am committed to driving this change forward together with others."
Simone Kasik Chief Financial Officer, FUNKE"The Ruhr region has developed into one of the IT security hotspots. G DATA CyberDefense AG has been part of this history for over 35 years. The lively start-up scene in the Ruhr region gives an idea of how many treasures there are still to be unearthed in other areas as well. This requires mentors and a strong network within and outside the region."
Jessika Lüning Corporate Officer, G DATA CyberDefense AG"Intelligent networking is the basis for long-term success in the future - this applies to new mobility just as much as to constant further development of companies. The commitment to an economically strong region at the Business Metropole Ruhr enables me to have a comprehensive exchange with a large number of innovative companies and movers and shakers."
Tobias Nadjib Managing Director, Volkswagen Infotainment GmbH"With its good infrastructure and many industrial and research companies in the fields of IT, energy, healthcare and automotive supply, the Ruhr region is an attractive business location for companies. In addition, innovative key technologies ensure the competitiveness of domestic industry in our region."
Dr. Arndt Neuhaus Managing Director, ANVIG GmbH"Change through culture - culture through change, the 2010 Capital of Culture proved it: the Ruhr Metropolis can unleash incredible power if everyone stands behind one goal, contributes their skills and works together. The BMR Board of Trustees stands for exactly that."
Prof. Dr. Oliver Scheytt Managing Director, KULTUREXPERTEN Dr. Scheytt GmbH"Business Metropole Ruhr GmbH defines itself as a link between politics and business in the extended part of the Ruhr Metropolis. I support the board of trustees, among other things, because I see great opportunities for promoting business for our region on the Ruhr. In particular, this involves supporting existing companies, but also promoting new businesses - startups, also in cooperation with the universities and colleges."
Reinhold Schulte Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Signal Iduna Group"The Ruhr region stands for hard work, honest dealings with one another and quality. These are important values for many medium-sized companies, and for us at Stauder they have been for six generations. I would like to bring the perspective of a family business to the BMR Board of Trustees."
Dr. Thomas Stauder Managing Director, Privatbrauerei Jacob Stauder GmbH & Co. KG