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[Translate to English:] C: König Photography View over the green Ruhr area
Pictured are 6 panelists on stage debating the future of inner cities. The audience is watching.
Landscape from the bird's eye view.

best climate for success

53 cities, 5.1 million people: The Ruhr Metropolis is Germany's largest metropolitan area - and is therefore attractive for companies and people.

Get to know the Region

Reshaping the economy

We support the Ruhr region on its way to becoming a modern and forward-looking business location: As Business Metropole Ruhr, we bundle the economic interests of 53 cities and municipalities - with the goal of transforming the Ruhr region into a sustainable, livable industrial region.

We achieve this through innovative projects that provide impetus for a new way of doing business. We make the transformation of our economic sectors visible and drive change. We are also an important contact for business issues beyond the region's borders - both nationally and internationally.

More about us

53 Cities and Towns
5.1 Mio. People
1 Economic Center

Our focus:
Topics in the Ruhr Metropolis

Business is on the move: Innovation and dynamism are prerequisites for success just like the right environment. The Ruhr region has been home to change and a strong economic region ever since. Learn more about the focus topics we are working on.

Do you want to learn more about a specific topic? Then select a focus here.

Environmental Economy Network

Discover Greentech.Ruhr

Ruhr Area Hydrogen Network

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