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Greentech.RuhR Project Deep Dive

Greentech.Ruhr Deep Dive is a project funded by the European Regional Development Fund. The aim is to strengthen the innovative power of the environmental economy in the Ruhr metropolis. The aim is to accelerate the green transformation. 

Logo der EU mit gelben Sternen auf blauem Hintergrund und Text Co-funded by the European UnionLogo of the Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of NRW in black with the coat of arms of NRW.

The focus here is on the sustainable construction industry and the climate adaptation industry. These two sectors have been selected due to their potential for decarbonization and resource conservation and their urgency.

We offer players along the entire value chain opportunities for knowledge and technology transfer. Craftspeople are crucial to the implementation of new products and services and are therefore closely involved in the project work. They are to be sensitized and used as an important source of inspiration and innovation.

We make the strengths of our region visible nationally and internationally

Another aim of the project is to implement (EU) climate policy requirements in companies in the Ruhr metropolis. To this end, we provide information and organize exchange formats. The project uses the successfully established structures of the cross-sectoral Greentech.Ruhr environmental economy network. More than 240 partners from business and science work together in this network.

Greentech.Ruhr Deep Dive is a project funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the European Union. The project runs from July 2024 to June 2027.


GREENTECH.RUHR - Network of the environmental economy for the region

Under the umbrella of Greentech.Ruhr, the Business Metropole Ruhr has been bringing together specialists and expertise in green technologies since 2016 and bundling the know-how of the environmental economy in the region:

More than 240 partners are already part of the Greentech.Ruhr network and benefit from attractive networking opportunities.


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Do you have questions about the environmental economy in the Ruhr region? Or are you interested in our Greentech.Ruhr network? Call us or contact us directly here.

Matthew GraydonProject Manager
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Financed with funds from the state of NRW, co-financed by the European Union

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